
Keeping employees happy and engaged long-term is undoubtedly a challenge. A recent Gallup report even clocked global employee engagement at a dismal 20%. And a lot of this comes down to culture and leadership, but there are so many avenues you can take to improve this.

The cultivation mindset

  • Jason Lauritsen, one of SocialTalent’s platform experts, refers to this idea of cultivation mindset when it comes to leadership. He believes that humans are actually genetically coded for growth and performance. And when we come to embrace this reality, the job of management looks more like the job of a farmer – ensuring that people, like seeds and crops, have what they need to flourish. Remove barriers to success for your employees and watch them flourish.

Training and development

  • L&D can no longer be viewed as a ‘nice-to-have.’ One of the fundamental reasons why talent leaves organizations comes down to a lack of opportunity to grow. In fact, according to Deloitte, millennials are 42% less likely to leave a company if there is space for upskilling. Investing in your people means investing in your future. You are showing commitment to their progression while simultaneously creating a durable and flexible workforce.


  • There is little worse than consistently doing a good job only for it to go unnoticed. It is your job as a manager to ensure that your team feels appreciated. Failing to do this creates resentment and apathy – why should they push themselves or suggest innovation if a blind eye is turned to it? Top talent will often have offers knocking on their door, and if you don’t want to lose them, you have to give credit when credit is due.